Kenes Rakishev Archives - China Heralder Voice of Great China Wed, 18 Oct 2023 20:41:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kenes Rakishev Archives - China Heralder 32 32 Forbes updates the TOP-50: Kenes Rakishev climbs in the rating Wed, 18 Oct 2023 20:41:03 +0000 The Forbes magazine of Kazakhstan has updated the TOP-50 list of the most influential businessmen in the country. Most of the leaders retained their positions. Kenes Rakishev managed to climb higher and is now, according to the authoritative media, #8 in the list of the most influential businessmen. We’ll look at the success story of Kenes Rakishev and describe […]

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Kenes Rakishev Surprises Markets Tue, 26 Sep 2023 06:15:54 +0000 Kenes Rakishev, star investor, international entrepreneur, philanthropist and former special envoy of the Kazakhstan government, meets star chef, Gordon Ramsay and star manufacturer, Borealis Foods to change the international food market. When Kenes Rakishev embarked on the establishment of Oxus SPAC, a specialized entity aimed at acquiring and subsequently taking companies public on the American […]

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Kenes Rakishev and Asel Tasmagambetova opened a new building of the school named after Shokan Ualikhanov Sun, 17 Sep 2023 18:04:03 +0000 Kenes Rakishev and Asel Tasmagambetova planned to create a school named after Shokan Ualikhanov in Almaty on completely new principles. For every student, education at school is not just time spent and not “a bag of knowledge” that needs to be acquired. Studying is a career and there are many different paths to take. Specializing in something in […]

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OXUS Invests in Radically New – World Class Culinary Food Technology Wed, 23 Aug 2023 10:16:00 +0000 Berlin (21/08 – 37) Kenes Rakishev, an international entrepreneur, philanthropist and former special envoy of the Kazakhstan government, is leading the charge for an upcoming Nasdaq listing of Borealis Foods Inc.. He is included in the “Top 50 Wealthiest Businessmen of Kazakhstan” and “Top 50 Most Influential Businessmen of Kazakhstan” lists by Forbes magazine. In […]

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Kenes Rakishev Drives Borealis Foods to NASDAQ, Gordon Ramsay Becomes Brand Ambassador Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:24:22 +0000 Kenes Rakishev, international entrepreneur, philanthropist and former special envoy of the Kazakhstan government, is leading the charge for an upcoming Nasdaq listing of Borealis Foods Inc., with a mission to serve growing consumer needs. Borealis Foods, the food tech innovation company behind the popular Chef Woo and Ramen Express ramen meals, has announced that Gordon […]

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Kenges Rakishev: Influential Entrepreneur from Kazakhstan Sat, 15 Jul 2023 10:04:00 +0000 Paris, Washington (13/7 – 50) Kenes Rakishev (Keñes Hamitūly Raqyşev) aka Kenges Rakishev is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, former special envoy for Kazakhstan, head of the Kazakh boxing federation, a family man, and most importantly, a man of success. Under Kenges Rakishev’s leadership, the Kazakh female and male boxing squad leaped considerable forward and secured the […]

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Kenes Rakishev and Saby fund spent millions on aid for Kazakhstan healthcare system Fri, 05 May 2023 18:54:11 +0000 Governments and institutions around the world are working around the clock to fight COVID-19. Some individuals, first of all, entrepreneurs, make their input too. Kenes Rakishev and Saby Fund spent more than 40 million USD to help his country and its people to keep COVID-19 numbers low. As soon as COVID-19 struck Kazakhstan or even somewhat earlier […]

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Kenes Rakishev and Saby Charity Foundation Provided Full Robotics Class For a City Fri, 05 May 2023 18:03:05 +0000 Several days ago the Saby Charitable Foundation, represented by its founders Aselle Tasmagambetova and Kenes Rakishev, presented the children of Semey with a modern robotics class equipped with the latest technology. The class will operate free of charge on the basis of the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth. The event was attended by […]

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Kenes Rakishev and Monnet Group to build a new plant in Kazakhstan Tue, 10 Jan 2023 20:00:03 +0000 Kenes Rakishev, former special envoy of the Kazakh government and current chairman of Fincraft Resources signed a memorandum of understanding, as well as a shareholder agreement with the Indian holding Monnet Group on the establishment of a joint venture in Kazakhstan for the production of ferroalloys. The company was named TB Alloys Kazakh Limited. The […]

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