Borealis Foods Archives - China Heralder Voice of Great China Tue, 26 Sep 2023 06:15:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Borealis Foods Archives - China Heralder 32 32 Kenes Rakishev Surprises Markets Tue, 26 Sep 2023 06:15:54 +0000 Kenes Rakishev, star investor, international entrepreneur, philanthropist and former special envoy of the Kazakhstan government, meets star chef, Gordon Ramsay and star manufacturer, Borealis Foods to change the international food market. When Kenes Rakishev embarked on the establishment of Oxus SPAC, a specialized entity aimed at acquiring and subsequently taking companies public on the American […]

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Kenes Rakishev Drives Borealis Foods to NASDAQ, Gordon Ramsay Becomes Brand Ambassador Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:24:22 +0000 Kenes Rakishev, international entrepreneur, philanthropist and former special envoy of the Kazakhstan government, is leading the charge for an upcoming Nasdaq listing of Borealis Foods Inc., with a mission to serve growing consumer needs. Borealis Foods, the food tech innovation company behind the popular Chef Woo and Ramen Express ramen meals, has announced that Gordon […]

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