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Japan-Chile Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

On November 13, commencing at 4:00 p.m. (local time; 9:00 a.m. on November 14 JST) for approximately 30 minutes, Ms. KAMIKAWA Yoko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, who is visiting San Francisco, the United States to attend the APEC Ministerial Meeting, held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Alberto Leo van Klaveren Stork, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile. The overview is as follows.

  1. At the beginning of the meeting, Minister Kamikawa stated that she had been working on strengthening friendship and goodwill between Japan and Chile since before she took office as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and expressed her desire to work together with Chile, an important “strategic partner” that faces the Pacific Ocean and shares values and principles with Japan. In response, Minister van Klaveren congratulated Minister Kamikawa on her appointment as Minister for Foreign Affairs, and stated that he was pleased to meet her during her busy schedule as the G7 presidency. He expressed his desire to work together to enhance active cooperation further between the two countries that has a long history and is based on economy and goodwill.
  2. The two ministers concurred in deepening bilateral cooperation in areas such as important mineral resources including copper and lithium, and clean energy including hydrogen and ammonia. They also confirmed that they will work closely together to maintain the high standards of the CPTPP. Furthermore, Minister Kamikawa asked for understanding regarding the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea, and Minister van Klaveren expressed his understanding of Japan’s position and the IAEA’s efforts.
  3. Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian situation, Minister Kamikawa stated that at the recent G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Tokyo in November, the G7 had compiled an outcome document that emphasized the need to improve the current crisis, especially the humanitarian situation in Gaza, to calm the situation, and to discuss medium and long-term issues, including the future of Gaza, with the countries concerned. The two ministers shared the recognition on the importance of such efforts.
  4. Furthermore, the two ministers shared the view that the international community needs to respond decisively to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, even while dealing with the situation in Israel and Palestine, and confirmed that they would continue to work together on this matter. They also shared the view that both countries will continue to support Ukraine diplomatically to achieve a just and lasting peace.
  5. The two ministers also exchanged views on defense cooperation, such as the port call of the Training Squadron of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) to Chile this year and the dispatch of defense attachés to Chile by Japan, as well as the high popularity of Chilean products, such as wine and fish, including salmon, in the Japanese market.

Source : mofa.go.jp
