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On July 27, 2023, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning Hosted a Regular Press Conference

China News Agency: On July 26, when US Secretary of State Blinken met with reporters in Tonga, he said that China has “problematic” behavior, “predatory” economic activities and investment methods that promote corruption in the region. In addition to Blinken, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin and other senior officials have also recently visited Pacific island countries. The outside world interprets that the U.S. hopes to expand its regional influence and hedge against “China’s presence.” What is the spokesperson’s comment?

Mao Ning: China’s cooperation with Pacific island countries is open and transparent, fully respects the sovereignty and will of all countries, does not attach any political conditions, and does not target third parties. It has been welcomed and recognized by the governments and people of Pacific island countries.

The Pacific island countries are not the “backyard” of any country, and China has no interest in competing for influence with any country, or seeking the so-called “geographical presence” or “sphere of influence”. We hope that the US can sincerely help Pacific island countries achieve development and stability.

Phoenix Satellite TV: The US Senate has just passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, requiring US companies to notify Washington when they make high-tech investments in countries of concern such as China. What is China’s comment?

Mao Ning: We firmly oppose the United States using the National Defense Authorization Act to entrain negative content related to China. The essence of China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win results. Artificial restrictions on normal investment activities between the industry and the private sector violate the principles of market economy and disrupt the stability of the global production and supply chain, which will only harm the interests of US investors in the end.

TASS reporter: Yesterday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office Wang Yi in Ankara. Did the two sides talk about the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis and the Black Sea food agreement during their talks? Can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provide further information?

Mao Ning: Yesterday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee, in Ankara. Director Wang Yi also held talks with the Turkish Foreign Minister. The two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of common concern. Regarding the crisis in Ukraine and the Black Sea grain transportation agreement, the two sides agreed that they should be properly resolved through dialogue and negotiation.

Jiji Press: Before the COVID-19 outbreak, China implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for citizens of Japan, Singapore, and Brunei to stay no longer than 15 days. Since July 26, China has resumed the unilateral visa-free policy for Singapore and Brunei, and has not emphasized the principle of “mutuality”. May I ask why the visa-free policy for Japanese citizens has not been restored?

Mao Ning: We maintain communication with the Japanese side to further facilitate personnel exchanges between the two countries.

Reuters: In October this year, China will host the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. Is Russian President Putin going to visit China? Could the Ministry of Foreign Affairs brief you on the relevant situation?

Mao Ning: The third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum will be held this year, and we have maintained communication with our “Belt and Road” partners on this. Regarding the visit you mentioned, I have no information to provide at present.

Agence France-Presse: A coup took place in Niger, an African country. What is China’s response?

Mao Ning: We are closely following the development of the situation in Niger, and we have also noticed the relevant statements made by the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States. China calls on relevant parties in Niger to proceed from the fundamental interests of the country and the people, peacefully resolve differences through dialogue, restore normal order as soon as possible, and maintain the overall situation of national peace, stability and development.

Reporter from TV Asahi: Yesterday, Li Hongzhong, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China, visited the DPRK. Will he meet Chairman Kim Jong Un?

Mao Ning: China will release news in a timely manner, please stay tuned.

Reuters: Pakistani Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said on Thursday that China has extended its $2.4 billion debt to Pakistan for two years. Can the spokesperson confirm that China will roll over the relevant debt? If yes, what are the terms and conditions of the extension?

Mao Ning: I suggest you refer this question to the competent Chinese authorities. As a principle, China and Pakistan have always carried out close cooperation in economic and financial fields to help Pakistan achieve stable and sustainable development.

Source : fmprc.gov.cn
