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China Warns Western Embassies in Beijing Over ‘Propaganda’ Displays: Reports

The Chinese foreign ministry recently issued a notification for foreign embassies and international organisations asking them not to display “politicised propaganda,” on buildings, reported news agency Reuters, on Wednesday (May 17). 

The notice was issued sometime this week and media reports citing diplomatic sources have said that this is in connection with several Western embassies across Beijing displaying Ukrainian flags in solitary amid the ongoing Russian invasion. 

Since the invasion began over a year ago, Western embassies across Beijing have put up Ukrainian flags in solidarity, some of which are also accompanied by messages of support in English and Chinese, reported news agency AFP. China, remains an ally of Russia which since the beginning of the conflict has garnered international condemnation along with thousands of sanctions. 

“Do not use the building facilities’ exterior walls to display politicised propaganda to avoid inciting disputes between countries,” the Chinese foreign ministry said in a notification dated May 10, a copy of which was seen by Reuters. The notice in question is also said to be addressed to “all embassies, and international organisations’ China representative offices.”

While the notice did not mention Ukrainian flags or what amounted to “propaganda” displays, AFP citing several European missions also confirmed that such a notice was sent to officials. Four Beijing-based diplomats, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said it was clearly related to Ukraine solidarity exhibits. 

Similarly, one official from a European embassy told AFP it was almost certainly related to several embassies’ prominent display of a Ukrainian flag. However, the report citing another European embassy official said it was unclear whether the request was linked to Ukraine or the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. 

This comes as foreign embassies in Beijing reportedly also raised pride flags in recognition of the campaign which was marked on Wednesday ahead of Pride Month in June to raise awareness about the LGBTQ+ rights violations worldwide. 

When asked about the notice, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin in his daily briefing, on Wednesday, said that embassies of foreign countries and offices of international organisations in China have the “obligation” to respect Beijing’s “laws and regulations.” 

He added, “China calls on embassies of all countries in China…to perform their duties in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or relevant international agreements,” said Wang, without any further details. Notably, the convention does not list any prohibitions about political signage being displayed on embassies’ outer walls.

The official also told AFP that they “strictly adhere to the Vienna conventions. There is therefore no reason for us to react to this note or to change our display policy”. 

Source: Wio News
