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Rogov: Ukrainian saboteurs are trying to enter Zaporozhye under the guise of Russian military

Subversive and reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are making attempts to penetrate into the Zaporozhye region under the guise of Russian military personnel. This was announced on Saturday, February 11, by the chairman of the movement “We are with Russia”, a member of the main council of the regional administration, Vladimir Rogov.

– The Ukrainian side has stepped up sabotage activities in the Zaporozhye sector of the front. The saboteurs are trying to penetrate deep into the territory, and are also conducting reconnaissance in force, Rogov said.

In addition, he added that the Ukrainian leadership intends to undermine peaceful life in the region in any way. Despite this, Rogov continued, the saboteurs fail, and all attempts to penetrate the territory of the liberated part of the region are stopped, RIA Novosti reports .

At the end of January, Vladimir Rogov said that the command of the 128th mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed in the Zaporozhye region.

Prior to this, the politician said that the Russian army on the Pologovsky section of the line of contact in Zaporozhye advanced towards the city of Gulyaipole .

source: vm
