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“The political technologists of the Yanukovych era are being reanimated.” Danilov said that Russia is working on the project “Second Ukraine”

Russia, once again offering negotiations taking into account the “current realities”, is promoting the scenario of dividing Ukraine into two states. Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, stated this on February 11 on the air of a telethon broadcast by the Rada channel .
Commenting on the statement, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council noted that the Russians are trying to implement the “Second Ukraine” project.

“As for the proposal of this clap from Moscow ( we are talking about Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Vershinin, who said that Russia is allegedly ready for negotiations with Ukraine “without preconditions” taking into account “the goals of the Russian Federation and the current reality” – “GORDON” ), then they are now running a project called “Second Ukraine”, – said the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

According to him, the Russians today are “reanimating the political technologists of the times of [the fourth President of Ukraine Viktor] Yanukovych” and are already starting “their dirty work” on the territory of Ukraine in order to “force us into a situation of two Koreas” of the 1957 model with a division along the conditional “38th parallel” .

According to him, “some figures, whose names are never named, who were under the guise of the Opposition Platform for Life and then repainted, are now sitting in Monaco and they are accompanying them, they are in contact.”

“There will be no “second Ukraine”, there will be a single big country,” Danilov summed up.

Earlier, Danilov, commenting on the words of Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev about the possibility of a “Korean scenario” and the division of Ukraine along a conditional line, noted that the end of the war with Russia cannot imply a territorial compromise .

“Ukraine is not Korea. There will be no 38th and other parallels, foreign stories and scenarios imposed from outside,” Danilov stressed.

On February 7, Medvedev said that Ukraine was allegedly considering the possibility of ending the war by dividing the territories, “becoming South Korea” and hoping for the liberation of the occupied part of the country later.
